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*There are some small flaws to note. At the top where the tag is shows a small black dot with a snag... Show more
*There are some small flaws to note. At the top where the tag is shows a small black dot with a snag. In another place there is another snag. Get yourself a Snag-Nab-It tool and it will instantly repair any snags or pulls without leaving a mark. Use a paper towel to rub over the top of the fabric after using this tool to smooth out any threads that have been displaced. PrettyGarden Is An Brand About To Make Waves Within The Fashion Industry For Women Clothing, Created With The Sole Intention Of Empowering Women And Boosting Women Confidence. We will always keep up with fashion trends and bring customers a high-quality shopping experience. At Prettygarden, We Believe That Each And Every Woman Is Unique, Attractive And Should Be Made To Embrace Their Beauty. That Is Why It Is Our Mission: To Create a Brand That Allow Women To Discover Their Beauty And Express Their Unique Personalities. Spanning youth, creativity and environment , Help more young women keep up with world fashion trends